List of talks

Submitted talks: 108
Accepted talks: 101


6 accessibility acmeism alias analysis android api async b::parsetree b:deparse beginner bless book bread::board burp c cache caching career ccdiff cli clock codereview community computational concurrency cool cpan cro daemons dancer2 database dbi dbix::class debugger deployment design devel::callstack devel::pdb devel::trepan development diff difference discussion diversity docker documentation elm embedded error events expressions fizzbuzz frontend gdpr git github gitlab golf google googlejuice grammar group gui hash history html intelligence internals io::async javascript json kubernetes language languages lightning local london londonpm lua mariadb memory_leaks mentoring messages mojo mojolicious monger mongers moo moose mysql nitpicking npm object onboarding oop opensource openstack oriented owasp packaging parsing pentest people perl perl5 perl6 php phrases plack pm ppi presentations presenting privacy problem professionalism programming psgi pts2018 pullrequest quotes rant recruitment regular report royalty scripting scripts security seo setup shell snusp sockets solving spa speaking sqitch sql stack talks term::readline::perl5 termux testing trace training types vms volunteering vue.js web webdriver website welcoming xs yaml


No track

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
Abigail ‎Regexp Mini Tutorial: Assertions‎ 50 minutes English 16/08/18 11:30
Sergey Aleynikov (‎randir‎) ‎Writing efficient XS‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes English 15/08/18 14:30
Mohammad Anwar (‎manwar‎) ‎How to become CPAN contributor?‎ 20 minutes English 16/08/18 10:40
Rocky Bernstein ‎A gdb-like debugger for Perl5‎ 20 minutes English 15/08/18 12:20
Rocky Bernstein ‎Where am I now, Really? A novel use of decompilation‎ 20 minutes English 15/08/18 11:50
H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎) ‎When diff is not enough‎ 50 minutes English 15/08/18 10:30
Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎Releasing a Perl 6 Module‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 16/08/18 10:10
Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎Writing a Perl 6 Module‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes English 17/08/18 10:10
marc chantreux (‎eiro‎) ‎back to perl‎ 50 minutes English 16/08/18 09:10
marc chantreux (‎eiro‎) ‎zsh for the mongers‎ 50 minutes English 16/08/18 13:50
Ilya Chesnokov (‎ichesnokov‎) ‎Lua by the eyes of Perl developer‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes English 17/08/18 10:10
Choroba ‎Types in JSON‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 15/08/18 11:50
Nicholas Clark ‎How Geizhals took out ImageMagick before ImageMagick took *us* out.‎ 20 minutes English 15/08/18 12:50
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) ‎Web Site Tune-Up - Improve Your Googlejuice‎ 210 minutes English 14/08/18 09:30
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) ‎The Professional Programmer‎ 210 minutes English 14/08/18 14:00
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) ‎I'm a Republican, Honest!‎ 20 minutes 16/08/18 16:20
Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎) ‎TestML – Data Driven Testing for Perl 5, Perl 6 and beyond‎ 80 minutes English 16/08/18 13:50
Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋᴏᴡ (‎daxim‎) ‎more Perl Web frameworks for the TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 16/08/18 15:50
Ben Edwards ‎Building a concurrent version control system mirroring CVS and Git‎ 20 minutes 15/08/18 15:50
Julien Fiegehenn (‎simbabque‎) ‎Turning humans into developers with Perl‎ 20 minutes English 16/08/18 15:50
Mark Fowler (‎Trelane‎) ‎The Perl Advent Calendar 2017 Redux‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes English 16/08/18 13:50
DrForr ‎Introduction to Perl 6‎ 420 minutes English 13/08/18 09:30
Ruth Holloway (‎GeekRuthie‎) ‎Discourse Without Drama‎ 50 minutes English 15/08/18 09:20
Ruth Holloway (‎GeekRuthie‎) ‎Putting the 'Open' In Open Source Events‎ 50 minutes English 17/08/18 12:00
Tom Hukins ‎WebDriver Integration Testing With Perl‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 16/08/18 15:50
Lee Johnson ‎Perl, Caching, and Memory Leaks‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
20 minutes English 15/08/18 15:50
Lee Johnson ‎Find and fix your web security vulnerabilities with Burp Scanner‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
20 minutes English 17/08/18 11:30
Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) ‎Webframeworkless Async API‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes English 16/08/18 09:10
Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎) ‎Vue.js for Perl hackers‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 16/08/18 16:20
Diego Kuperman (‎diegok‎) ‎A bag of mojo sweets‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 15/08/18 11:50
John Lightsey (‎J.D.‎) ‎Building Privacy In‎ 50 minutes English 16/08/18 11:30
Kang-min Liu (‎gugod‎) ‎How to fix your code by coding the fixer‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 16/08/18 16:20
Max Maischein (‎Corion‎) ‎Reading CPAN / Finding Modules‎
[ Abstract ]
50 minutes English 17/08/18 14:00
Joelle Maslak ‎You’re Not Wanted Here! (How design decisions can make your application discriminatory)‎ 50 minutes English 17/08/18 10:10
Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎) ‎Making your Perl 5 Modules work in Rakudo Perl 6‎ 480 minutes English 13/08/18 09:30
Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎) ‎The Future Of Perl Is Here‎ 50 minutes English 17/08/18 09:10
Samantha McVey (‎samcv‎) ‎Hardening Perl 6's Hash Implementation Against Attack‎ 50 minutes English 16/08/18 09:10
Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (‎jmerelo‎) ‎10 things I've learned working with Perl 6 documentation‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 15/08/18 14:30
Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (‎jmerelo‎) ‎Concurrent evolutionary algorithms with Perl 6‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes 17/08/18 09:10
Dan Muey ‎sqitch (App::Sqitch) – sane database change management‎ 20 minutes English 17/08/18 11:30
Tina Müller (‎tinita‎) ‎YAML::PP - Just another YAML Module?‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 16/08/18 10:40
Tina Müller (‎tinita‎) ‎Git Tips & Tricks‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 16/08/18 10:10
Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎) ‎European Perl Mongers Organiser's Forum 2018‎ 50 minutes English 15/08/18 10:30
Makoto Nozaki (‎makoto‎) ‎TPF Update‎ 20 minutes English 15/08/18 12:50
Wieger Opmeer (‎a6502‎) ‎The JobCenter, an Orchestration Workflow Engine‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes English 15/08/18 10:30
Wieger Opmeer (‎a6502‎) ‎Managing PostgreSQL stored procedures as application code‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 16/08/18 14:50
Mark Overmeer (‎markov‎) ‎Apache in Pure Perl‎ 50 minutes English 17/08/18 14:00
Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎) ‎Rescuing a Legacy Codebase‎ 50 minutes English 15/08/18 14:30
Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎) ‎The Future of Perl 5 and 6‎ 60 minutes 17/08/18 15:20
Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎) ‎In Conversation With...‎ 40 minutes 16/08/18 16:50
Simon Proctor (‎Scimon‎) ‎Perl6 : Signatures, Types and Multimethods‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes English 16/08/18 11:30
Christopher Rasch-Olsen Raa ‎Developers, engineers and the downward spiral‎ 20 minutes English 17/08/18 12:00
Andrew Rodland (‎hobbs‎) ‎Fatpack it! Full featured Perl apps in a single file‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 17/08/18 11:30
Laurent Rosenfeld (‎lolo78‎) ‎Perl 6 in Real Life $Work‎ 20 minutes English 15/08/18 15:50
Wesley Schwengle (‎waterkip‎) ‎Docker for Perl developers‎
[ Talk ]
50 minutes English 17/08/18 09:10
Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎) ‎Crash course - Object Oriented Perl 5‎ 210 minutes English 14/08/18 09:30
Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎) ‎Crash course - Using databases with Perl 5‎ 210 minutes English 14/08/18 14:00
Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎) ‎Let them learn Perl on the job?‎ 20 minutes English 16/08/18 14:50
Leon Timmermans (‎leont‎) ‎Language design in a Perl without Larry‎ 20 minutes English 15/08/18 12:20
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) ‎Tower of Babble - Extending and transforming perl‎ 50 minutes English 17/08/18 14:00
André Walker ‎Errors for Humans‎ 20 minutes English 16/08/18 10:10
Nicholas Wehr ‎Effective Perl Shop - a Culture Primer‎ 50 minutes English 17/08/18 12:00
Lance Wicks ‎Building a web app with Perl 6 and Cro‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 16/08/18 10:40
Kivanc Yazan ‎How to join CPAN Pull Request Challange‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 15/08/18 12:20
Branislav Zahradník ‎Domain driven development with Context::Singleton‎
[ Talk ]
20 minutes English 15/08/18 12:50

Lightning Talks Day 1

Not in the correct order, but these are today. The proper order will be included on today's talk with the same name as this track.

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎
[ Abstract ]
50 minutes 15/08/18 16:30
Ilya Chesnokov (‎ichesnokov‎) ‎How (not) to ruin a technical talk‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Dave Cross (‎davorg‎) ‎Now We Are 20‎ lightning  
Hauke D (haukex) ‎Running Perl 5 in the Browser (… Yes, Really)‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Julien Fiegehenn (‎simbabque‎) ‎Do stuff with _this‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Lee Johnson ‎InstaPy (Not Instant Pie)‎
[ Abstract - Talk ]
lightning English  
Finn Kempers ‎How to look like a Perl Hacker‎ lightning English  
Kang-min Liu (‎gugod‎) ‎if ($a==1&&$a==2&&$a=3)‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Leon Timmermans (‎leont‎) ‎10 years a CPAN author‎ lightning English  
Richard van Lochem (‎rvlochem‎) ‎Book lovers clock‎
[ Abstract ]
lightning English  
Lance Wicks ‎Scuttlebutt: a decent(ralised) secure gossip platform‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  

Lightning Talks Day 2

Not in the correct order, but these are today. The proper order will be included on today's talk with the same name as this track.

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎
[ Abstract ]
50 minutes 16/08/18 17:50
Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎) ‎How do OO right?‎ lightning  
Kenichi Ishigaki (‎charsbar‎) ‎Common Boolean Class‎ lightning English  
Brent Laabs (‎labster‎) ‎How I Became the World's Greatest PHP Golfer Without Really Trying‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Lukas Mai (‎mauke‎) ‎The Perl debugger and a quine‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Max Maischein (‎Corion‎) ‎The State of Perl on Android in 2018‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎) ‎A short Perl Toolchain Summit 2018 report‎ lightning English  
Simon Proctor (‎Scimon‎) ‎Top 5 Perl6 Operators‎ lightning English  
atoomic ‎Time to Git Serious‎ lightning English  
Stefan Seifert (‎Nine‎) ‎How everyone could get food faster‎ lightning English  
Branislav Zahradník ‎named or positional arguments / shared examples‎
[ Talk ]
Felipe Zipitria ‎Securing Web Applications using OWASP‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  

Lightning Talks Day 3

Not in the correct order, but these are today. The proper order will be included on today's talk with the same name as this track.

Speaker Talk title Duration Language Date
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) ‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎
[ Abstract ]
50 minutes 17/08/18 16:30
H.Merijn Brand (‎Tux‎) ‎ccdiff - we listen to the wishes‎ lightning  
Igor Bujna ‎User friendly perl debugger Devel::PDB‎ lightning English  
Jason Carty ‎Let's talk about mission critical Perl 6‎ lightning  
marc chantreux (‎eiro‎) ‎ a monger group with no fear, no time, no regrets‎ lightning  
Choroba ‎DBD::MariaDB‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Ingy döt Net (‎ingy‎) ‎The Coolest FizzBuzz Ever!‎ lightning English  
Julien Fiegehenn (‎simbabque‎) ‎Into to Test::Class::Moose‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Lukas Mai (‎mauke‎) ‎Pitfalls in UK postcode validation‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (‎jmerelo‎) ‎Testing Perl6 modules real fast!‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎) ‎Talk‎ lightning  
Theo van Hoesel (‎vanHoesel‎) ‎Exclusive, being inclusive in a community „difference with a union"‎ lightning English  
Kivanc Yazan ‎Contributor Covenant‎
[ Talk ]
lightning English  

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