10 things I've learned working with Perl 6 documentation

By: Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (‎jmerelo‎) from Granada.pm
Date: Wednesday, 15 August 2018 14:30
Duration: 50 minutes
Target audience: Any
Tags: 6 documentation perl

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

Documentation for any computer language works at several different levels, just like the Perl onion. There's the source, the text itself, and then there's the tooling to publish it in a web site. Of course, there's the people working on it too. That's three layers that form a complex technosocial system.
I've been working on and off the Perl 6 documentation for several months, but I didn't start to really understand how everything works and fits together until I started the grant by the beginning of April 2018. Here's 10, or maybe eleven by the time I get to give the talk, things I've learned while working for this grant. First lesson: we need more people to be involved. So this is also an invitation to help with Perl 6 through its documentation.

Attended by: Fernando Santagata, Joelle Maslak, DrForr, Daniel Mita (‎m.dango‎), Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎), Thorsten Pape, Moray Jones, Jean Forget, Nicholas Clark, Gregor Goldbach (‎glauschwuffel‎), Jan Seidl (‎JaSei‎), Martin Barth (‎ufobat‎), Johan Lindstrom, Laurent Rosenfeld (‎lolo78‎), Erik Johansen (‎uniejo‎), Søren Lund (‎slu‎), Steffen Winkler (‎STEFFENW‎), cono, Gianni Ceccarelli (‎dakkar‎)

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