Turning humans into developers with Perl

By: Julien Fiegehenn (‎simbabque‎) from Hannover.pm London.pm
Date: Thursday, 16 August 2018 15:50
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any
Language: English
Tags: mentoring

In this talk I will explain my methodology for teaching apprentice software developers. I mainly use Perl, and often work with young trainees who start their professional careers with very little to no prior tech knowledge. I'll talk about the social aspects of being a mentor and show process examples that help with long-term motivation.

Attended by: Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎), Lee Johnson, Joelle Maslak, Simon Proctor (‎Scimon‎), John Lightsey (‎J.D.‎), DrForr, Daniel Mita (‎⚡🍡‎), Choroba, Laurent Rosenfeld (‎lolo78‎), Kivanc Yazan, Thorsten Pape, Barbie, Eitan Schuler, Jean Forget, Andreea Hosu (‎Andreea‎), Jon André Hjellestad (‎Jonis‎), Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎), Richard van Lochem (‎rvlochem‎), Chris Jack, raiph, Johan Lindstrom, Felix Antonius Wilhelm Ostmann (‎Sadrak‎), Aaron Crane (‎arc‎), Kang-min Liu (‎gugod‎), Andrew Nugged (nugged), FErki, Mischa Schwieger

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