Crash course - Object Oriented Perl 5

By: Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎) from
Date: Tuesday, 14 August 2018 09:30
Duration: 210 minutes
Target audience: Intermediate
Language: English
Tags: bless moo moose object oriented

Although Perl is famous for its powerful one-liners and quirky syntax, there's also an extensive framework for fully-fledged OO programming.

In this half day class I'll introduce OO programming then take you from the built-in 'bless' through to Moo and Moose frameworks together with types, inheritance, roles and the object lifecycle.

The only requirement is that you're comfortable with non-OO Perl programming. To make sure of that, as soon as you sign-up for this course, please send me an email and I'll give you a 3 month enrolment in Geekuni's online Perl Essentials course which has everything you need to know for this class.

p.s. Please bring along your laptop - it'll be very hands-on!

Attended by: Lars-Gunnar Taube (‎lgtaube‎), Andrew Solomon (‎illy‎), David Szczesniak

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