User information

Matthew Chubb (‎mchubb‎)

United Kingdom
Perl mongers group

Attending talks

‎The power of raw SQL‎
‎Communication Aikido‎
‎Machine Learning in Perl 6‎
‎Modeling a Universe‎
‎Changing Image of Perl‎
‎Notes from the Trenches: Parsing Perl 6 *with* Perl 6‎
‎Mob programming the CPAN Pull Request Challenge‎
‎OAuth2 is Done‎
‎Mapping World Literature‎
‎Perl and Open Source in Olympic Judo‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 1‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 2‎
‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎
‎Low-end Perl‎
‎Fighting technical debt with‎
‎The EPO Needs You!‎
‎Cross Compiling For Perl Hackers‎
‎Perl 5.26 and the Blue-Blue Shiny Ball of Eternal Transparency‎
‎Rakudo.js - compiling Perl 6 to JavaScript‎
‎Docker (&-compose) for (Perl) Developers‎
‎CloudCron: From cron jobs to the cloud‎
‎High-Performance IO or "How to write a SSD to death"‎
‎Random Numbers in Perl‎
‎Functional Programming in Perl 6‎
‎Using Perl 5 to make a program several hundred times faster‎
‎Perl 6: Superglue for the 21st Century‎
‎Function Signatures Compared - Perl6, Perl5.20 and Sub::Sig‎
‎How to hack the MoarVM JIT compiler‎
‎High End Unicode in Perl 6‎
‎Secret Santa Overkill‎
‎Dist::Build, a Module::Build replacement‎
‎Practical cryptography‎
‎Asynchronous communication using RabbitMQ‎
‎Unicode Internals of Perl 6‎
‎Dealing with dependencies - from development to deployment‎
‎Bothead as a service‎
‎ES6: Almost an acceptable perl5?‎
‎Docker 101‎
‎Precise Math in Perl 5 - A Lost Cause? Challenge accepted.‎
‎On the importance of rabbits‎
‎Welcome to the Perl community, this is what you need to know‎
‎Solving some of the scalability problems at‎
‎A bot to rule them all!‎
‎The Pleasures and Perils of a Programming Polyglot‎
‎Awaiting the Future‎
‎Hold my beer and watch this!‎
‎Processing tens of TB of data daily‎
‎Game night!‎
‎The Case for Empathy‎
‎Three Little Words‎
‎The Shoulders Of Giants: 400 Years Of Perl 6‎
‎20 years of Perl‎
‎Running Perl 6 on a 5 year old Android tablet‎