Thursday, 10 August 2017 19:00, Wendy Van Dijk (woolfy) - Game night!
I travel with a small backpack, so I can only bring some small cardgames, probably ~3 of those. If somebody else can bring any of those, I'd appreciate a hint, so I can pack accordingly to avoid duplicates :-)
Thomas Klausner (domm) - Geoff Avery rarely travels w/o Dalmuti (DrForr)
I'll bring Tiefe Taschen (Fabian Zimmermann (fobs))
It looks like we're well-stocked courtesy Wendy, but I'll bring
I'll bring
and perhaps more if there is room enough in my suitcase.
* Braggart
* One Night Ultimate Werewolf
* Ultimate Werewolf
* Fluxx (std, german, Zombie & Dice)
* card decks (32 & 55)
* Uno