List of talks tagged perl

12 regular talks accepted . Total duration: 5 h 30 min.
3 lightning talks accepted.


No track

Speaker You're going? Talk title Duration Language Date
Sergey Aleynikov (‎randir‎) ‎On the importance of rabbits‎
[ Talk ]
45 min. English Wed, 14:45
DrForr ‎Machine Learning in Perl 6‎ 45 min. English Wed, 16:20
DrForr ‎Notes from the Trenches: Parsing Perl 6 *with* Perl 6‎ 45 min. English Thu, 14:55
Michal Jurosz (‎mj41‎) ‎Processing tens of TB of data daily‎ 20 min. English Thu, 12:15
Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎) ‎Welcome to the Perl community, this is what you need to know‎
[ Talk ]
45 min. English Thu, 16:35
Marton Papp ‎Using Perl to translate one computer language into another‎ 20 min. English Fri, 12:15
Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎) ‎Modeling a Universe‎ 70 min. English Fri, 16:20
Viacheslav Tykhanovskyi (‎vti‎) ‎Fighting technical debt with‎
[ Talk ]
20 min. English Wed, 16:45
Wendy Van Dijk (‎woolfy‎) ‎Changing Image of Perl‎
[ Talk ]
20 min. English Thu, 15:45

Lightning Talks Day 1

Look here for the accepted talks out of order. Around lunch time each day they will be put in order, click the main lightning talks session for the day to see the final order. Day 1 description also includes the explanation.

Speaker You're going? Talk title Duration Language Date
Lee Johnson ‎Swiss Perl Workshop 2017‎ lightning English  

Lightning Talks Day 3

Speaker You're going? Talk title Duration Language Date
Todd Rinaldo (‎toddr‎) ‎@INC for fun and profit‎ lightning English  
Andrey Shitov (‎ash‎) ‎Perl 6 books. Season 2‎ lightning English