Schedule: Friday, 17 August 2018

Talks in bold type have been confirmed by their respective speakers.

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
Time cPanel Theatre Zoopla Theatre Pirum Theatre Organiser's Den
07:30 ‎Organisers pre-day panic‎ (60 min)
09:10 ‎Docker for Perl developers‎
Wesley Schwengle (‎waterkip‎)
(50 min, English) 50
‎Concurrent evolutionary algorithms with Perl 6‎
Juan Julián Merelo-Guervós (‎jmerelo‎)
(50 min, ) 16
‎The Future Of Perl Is Here‎
Elizabeth Mattijsen (‎liz‎)
(50 min, English) 11
10:10 ‎You’re Not Wanted Here! (How design decisions can make your application discriminatory)‎
Joelle Maslak
(50 min, English) 44
‎Writing a Perl 6 Module‎
Herbert Breunung (‎lichtkind‎)
(50 min, English) 13
‎Lua by the eyes of Perl developer‎
Ilya Chesnokov (‎ichesnokov‎)
(50 min, English) 19
11:00 ‎Long Break‎ (30 min)
11:30 ‎Fatpack it! Full featured Perl apps in a single file‎
Andrew Rodland (‎hobbs‎)
(20 min, English) 25
‎Find and fix your web security vulnerabilities with Burp Scanner‎
Lee Johnson
(20 min, English) 37
‎sqitch (App::Sqitch) – sane database change management‎
Dan Muey
(20 min, English) 13
12:00 ‎Effective Perl Shop - a Culture Primer‎
Nicholas Wehr
(50 min, English) 37
‎Putting the 'Open' In Open Source Events‎
Ruth Holloway (‎geekruthie‎)
(50 min, English) 6
‎Developers, engineers and the downward spiral‎
Christopher Rasch-Olsen Raa
(20 min, English) 28
12:50 ‎Lunch (served at the Venue)‎ (70 min)
14:00 ‎Tower of Babble - Extending and transforming perl‎
Matt S Trout (‎mst‎)
(50 min, English) 48
‎Apache in Pure Perl‎
Mark Overmeer (‎markov‎)
(50 min, English) 7
‎Reading CPAN / Finding Modules‎
Max Maischein (‎Corion‎)
(50 min, English) 17
14:50 ‎Long Break‎ (30 min)
15:20 ‎The Future of Perl 5 and 6‎
Curtis Poe (‎Ovid‎)
(60 min, ) 77
16:30 ‎Lightning Talks Day 3‎
R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎)
(50 min, ) [Lightning] 71
17:30 ‎farewell‎ (30 min)

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