08/03/18 15:03 by Mark Keating (mdk)
It is a great pleasure to announce that cPanel will be the media sponsors for this year’s European Perl Conference (TPCiG/YAPC::EU) in Glasgow.
cPanel have had a long association with the Perl community regularly attending and sponsoring events and activities. They host one of the most innovative and expert Perl teams on the planet and have created a world leading hosting platform that is used by millions of sites worldwide.
“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that cPanel® is one of a kind. We like to think it’s because of four qualities that are deeply ingrained in both our product and our people: Integrity, Respect, Collaboration, and Follow-Through.”
cPanel & WHM is The Hosting Platform of Choice for web hosting automation. cPanel, Inc. writes and releases the software, to be perfect for any user. From the beginner to the advanced system administrator, cPanel & WHM provides the ideal platform for web hosting providers.
In 2017 we made it easier for application developers to use our software. In 2018 we're focused on making deployments to the most popular cloud providers as easy as possible.
cPanel is always on the lookout for talented, capable individuals. Spirited, intelligent, quirky, friendly, adventurous. These are just a few of the traits that cPanel employees bring to the table, but with all our varied skill sets and personalities, we defy labels.
We are a tight-knit team that consistently challenges and encourages one another. Best of all, we sincerely believe in the value of the work that we do. And with 20 years under our belts — we’re not looking to slow down anytime soon.
It will be a great pleasure to see cPanel at the event in Glasgow and we are sure many of their team will not only attend but present at the conference.